On the road again
Well, I packed for about 30 seconds today and I feel good about it. I HATE me some packing. Anyway, it's not too bad because it's mostly putting stuff back in the backpack I bought for the trip. I'm also adding the FABULOUS dress I bought at Gadzooks for $32. Hi, I'm in love with it and it's totally, like, 1977 Diana Ross-ish but not fancy and it's awesome. Anyway, can't WAIT to wear it. Can't wait to leave either.
I'm in this weird funk being home right now. It's like, I don't have a car to drive, I don't have a job but I can't really look too hard for one because they'd probably want to interview me in March and I'll be gone, my friends here are few, far between, and busy, and I'm feeling the general ickyness of life that I felt before I left for Korea over a year and a half ago. Only now I have a dog.
Speaking of, took him to the vet this week and he checked out fine, no structural or anatomical problems are causing his breathing weirdness. So we're thinking it's probably allergies or something. Hopefully we'll know for sure once I get back and have him checked out by internal medicine.
Not really much else to report. I'm kind of excited to take the airport shuttle from here instead of having someone drive me. It'll be like Korea!! And seriously, I hope the person who thought of that idea makes tons of money because they are SO SMART. :)
Not much else to report, just thought I should update one last time before I head out. I'm imagining I'll have internet access while I'm down under, so I may get a couple posts written from there. If not, I'll see you all when I get back.
Much love.