Optimistic about 28
So far, 28's been treating me right.
I celebrated my birthday the Saturday before with a potluck at our place and then a trip to Crazy Pianos. I reserved one of the beer tables and had a great night. The best part was that one of the piano players (from Grand Rapids, naturally) played a song for me--and I don't mean by request. The weekend before, we'd spoken about this song called "27 Jennifers" by Mike Doughty. It was awesome because Mike Doughty is one of his favorite artists and I totally busted out the song before he even mentioned anything about him, and basically we're bonded for life. So flash forward to my birthday celebration, and he's playing the Tommy Tutone classic "8675309 (Jenny)" and all of a sudden busts into "27 Jennifers" FOR ME! He had already hugged me for my birthday, so he knew I was there. After he got off, I went over to him and I was like, "Don't even lie, you played that song for me." And he goes, "Yeah, I thought you'd like it." OMG, LOVE!!! lol. It was basically the best thing ever and I'm pretty sure I told everyone like 50 times, "He PLAYED a song for ME!" My friend Drew is convinced that this means we're dating. I wish!
That night I met two guys, and ended up going out with both of them. Whatever, I've never dated in my life, and suddenly there are two. I couldn't really deal. There's The Brazilian, a super cute Brazilian (duh) with glasses, and The Lawyer, a dude from Texas. I always figure nothing's gonna happen with people that I meet, so I didn't think much of giving them my number. Well, of course, they both texted me.
I ended up going out with The Brazilian a few times, and the poor guy was tossed pretty harshly into my world because he came to the football game with me last Friday. It was the first home game of the year, and the night of the Kick Off Dance. I was at work from 7 am until 1:30 am and was SO nice to have a break from school and have dinner at Scotty's in a total downpour. Like ya do.
Anyway, long story short things fizzled out with The Brazilian; we decided to just be friends, which is fine. I got some free meals out of the deal, so it all worked out in the end. Plus, he lives under the piano players and that is basically awesome.
The Lawyer I had coffee with (well, green tea, really) on Saturday and haven't heard from him since. Clearly his loss, as I am totally hot and he was totally not. I'm over it. But all of last week was a new experience for me--I've never really "dated" before. Like, guys just don't want to date me, I guess. Or maybe I just didn't have any mojo until 28, which makes total sense 'cause I'm the quintessential late bloomer. I have decided, however, that dating is fun and I should do more of it so I'm going to be working on that this year. I'm feeling positive about 28, and me feeling optimistic is a rare thing.
In other news, one of my favorite kids got kicked out of school and I'm kind of upset about it. Sure, the kid made a bad choice, and of course I support the school's decision, but I still miss the kid. School's been a bit stressful in other aspects as well; I already have essays to grade that didn't get graded last week (too much dating, I guess) and they're the same awful garbage as they always are.
The day of my actual birthday, Alishea at school, of course, got word and make a little magic happen. I went to lunch, as per usual, to find a note on the table that I should get food and go to one of the Campus Ministry office, a large office on campus. When I got there, it was decorated and there were balloons, and everyone (well, everyone I like, anyway) came to have lunch and cake and happiness.
The best part of lunch, besides the fact that there were no children anywhere, was when the party decided to serenade me with "Happy Birthday" but had no candles. As luck would have it, it was corn dog day, which meant someone one (Tanya) had the brilliant idea to light the stick on fire as a ghetto candle.
It was a great birthday and I'm excited to be 28. I think this year will bring me amazing things!