I'll be the first to admit: I've been completely horrible at updating this blog since I got home from Down Under. I just... I've been updating my LJ a lot more and sort of felt I didn't need to update this one since it was kinda for my family and I was living with them so I didn't need to update, since, y'know, they were pretty much THERE for everything. lol. But, much to my happiness, that is no longer the case.
I moved here to Miami about two weeks ago and started "working" at my school last Thursday. I use the quotes only because it's really been orientation type stuff so far; the new teachers getting trained on the gradebook, the school policies and procedures, stuff like that. There are 8 of us (new teachers, I mean) and everyone seems really cool. I can foree some problems, however, because there are two new ladies in the English department and we're both named Alicia (hers is spelled different, though). So I'm gonna end up being "Alicia" (uh-lee-see-uh, as in Silverstone) and she'll be Alishea (uh-lee-shuh). And to complicate matters further, there are two other A. Garcia's at school already. So I have to be A.K. It's all very complicated, clearly. Plus, I agreed to be a co-moderator for student council, so that's gonna make life a little bit tougher until about November. Boo. But extra pay=yay.
Our place is awesome and I think I'll really like living here with Tiffany. We live literally across the street from a mall, and downstairs in the next building there's a Chili's (BAR!!) and a Panera. Next door to THAT is Linens N Things, Old Navy, Office Depot and the Container Store. It rocks hard, I won't lie. The drive to work is a bit long, but it's really lovely and along the water, so I won't complain. Hopefully soon I'll be able to take the MetroRail to work.
Okay, so that's all about here. Let's rewind a bit to July. In July several important things happened. First, Harry Potter came out and we had a party at the store. I dressed up like Madam Pince. Here's a little taste of that sweet action. It was all about the lipstick.
After that, I went to visit The J in Stratford. I drove over there and met her whole fam, saw her mom's b & b and saw a play. We saw King Lear and it was A MA ZING! So intense... Wow. And a whole lot funnier than I thought when I read it back in college. Really good. Anyway, here's a pic of me on some weird dock. Senior pictures!
Finally, there was Girl's Weekend at Leslie's cabin. It was really fun, seeing everyone again and playing on the boat and eating piles and piles of food. Here's a lovely group shot of all of us. Jew Camp '07. Next year... T-shirts!
So that's what I've been up to. Next to come: pics of my apartment (when we get furniture and unpack a few more boxes) and my classroom!
Much love.